Friday, December 12, 2008

Customize search results and show in Find result window

Some times you annoyed about the VS show search results like entire file path scroll over to see the name of the file and resultant words

Here’s what you can do.
Note: These involve modifying registry settings. Please use at your own risk!
You do not need to restart VS

  1. Go to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Find
  2. Add a new string called Find result format with a value of $f$e($l,$c):$t\r\n where

$f is the filename
$e is the extension
$l is the line
$c is the column
$t is the text on the line

Now let’s take a look at that Find Results window again:

And here’s the full list of items you can specify in the registry

$p path
$f filename
$v drive/unc share
$d dir
$n name
$e .ext

$l line
$c col
$x end col if on first line, else end of first line
$L span end line
$C span end col

$0 matched text
$t text of first line
$s summary of hit
$T text of spanned lines

\n newline
\s space
\t tab
\\ slash
\$ $

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